Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Sunday, May 9, 2010
wide assortment of play

Activity Tables
There are several types of activity tables, It's important to remember that the most basic tables have the most potential for creative play and sensory experiences.
An activity table needs to be
- large enough for several children to play in at one time
- should have a cover so the table can be "closed" during other activities
- should be sturdy enough to not tip or spill if children attempt to climb on it.
- The activity table should also be deep enough to hold enough material for children to play in happily.
Once you have your activity table set up, deciding what materials to use in the table is fairly simple like :
- Sand and water are two of the most common activity table fillers. Sand can be damp or dry, plain or colored. Provide toys for scooping and pouring the sand
- small toys to play with such as trucks, animals, or seashells. Water can also be kept clear or tinted with food coloring. Children enjoy scooping and pouring water, but will also have fun "washing" play dishes or baby dolls.
- Dry rice makes a good activity table filler for scooping, pouring, and pretending to cook. So do dry beans, flour, corn meal, and confetti.
The activity table can also be used for something most children aren't allowed to do--playing in the mud! Add a bag of potting soil to the table, give the children cups of water to pour onto the dirt, and let them make mud.
The activity table allows teachers to let children explore and learn
Other materials can be kept in the table for several days at a time, but to keep the children
With a little effort every few days, an activity table is an excellent daycare resource providing a wide assortment of play and learning opportunities.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Five Steps to Communicat with Children
Is it daunting task to Communicating with children ?
Often they seem to be on another planet and in some respects they are. Depending on their age they will be incapable of seeing another’s point of view, seeing all sides to a problem or will not be able to visualize abstract concepts.
Follow these 5 Simple Steps to Communicat with Children
1) Respect is a must for any good communicating with children strategy
By respecting our children’s needs and feelings we will teach them, by example, how to respect us. We can show respect to our children simply by accepting what they are telling us as being true for them and important to them
2) Make eye contact when you talk
Get down to their level. Eye contract is very important for children (the younger the more so). If we stand and talk over our children, our words literally go straight over their heads This way you will not only know they are listening to you, you will also connect with your children.
3) Be precise in what you say
Avoid implying things or talking in the third person. Children have many limitations on the way they can processes what you say to them. Because of these limitations in their thinking when we are communicating with children we need to do it in a very basic way. In other words keep it short, sweet and to the point. Use examples that they can relate to. Children from about 5-7 years of age will also tend not to do things that they do not see or understand the point of. It is at this age that we need to start to give short and concise explanations for the things we want them to do
4) Give Descriptive Feedback
Feedback is an essential element in learning and improving on what we do. Feedback tells us if we are on the right track or not. The best way we can give feedback to our children is by making it descriptive. Describe what you see in a child's picture, or describe what you like about it. For older children, reiterate what you think they are saying to make sure you are both on the same wave length
5) Start with positive
Research has shown that we all (whether children or adults) focus on the negative component of what is said to us and on what was said last. So if we put the negative first we will soften its impact by the more positive last statement. Try it for yourself, read the two feedback statement below about a child’s homework “Your writing is very neat and looks great, next time remember to try and put a space between the full stop and the start of the next sentence.” Now turn it around “Next time remember to try and put a space between the full stop and the start of the next sentence, the rest of your writing is very neat and looks great.” In the first statement, it is easier to forget the positive comment on the neat writing, and focus on the negative component. The second statement although has the same words will leave the child feeling more confident and please with the good job he has done yet mindful of the gap between the full stop and the next sentence.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Keep your worries away

carry out daily tasks with your baby
Safety of baby is main concern,so we advice to use baby carriers for the following reasons :
1- Baby carriers help relieve stress of parents by keeping baby close to their eyes each time they are working.
2- Baby carriers are one of the best ways to carry baby with comfort and security. They help keep baby secure giving freedom to the family members to work.
3- Baby carriers are useful for providing safety to baby giving mothers a way to carry out daily tasks while taking care of baby at the same time.
4- Baby carriers allow parents to play and enjoy baby presence throughout the day while focusing on necessary tasks.
5- They let baby to enjoy outside world and helps in development of baby, thus providing a way for both parents and baby to stay healthy.
6- Baby carriers be considered as great gifts for parents of a new born baby. They are easily hanged and attached to shoulders and hip, thus evenly distributing baby weight
Safety of baby is main concern,so we advice to use baby carriers for the following reasons :
1- Baby carriers help relieve stress of parents by keeping baby close to their eyes each time they are working.
2- Baby carriers are one of the best ways to carry baby with comfort and security. They help keep baby secure giving freedom to the family members to work.
3- Baby carriers are useful for providing safety to baby giving mothers a way to carry out daily tasks while taking care of baby at the same time.
4- Baby carriers allow parents to play and enjoy baby presence throughout the day while focusing on necessary tasks.
5- They let baby to enjoy outside world and helps in development of baby, thus providing a way for both parents and baby to stay healthy.
6- Baby carriers be considered as great gifts for parents of a new born baby. They are easily hanged and attached to shoulders and hip, thus evenly distributing baby weight
Quality is one of the main factors to consider while purchasing baby carriers. The material too should be taken care of while purchasing as soft fabric is essential for keeping baby soft, cozy and comfortable. Baby carriers must be fully adjustable, strong and durable; allows for different carrying positions providing utmost convenience and reducing neck and back pains. The carrier must include adjustable harness for child safety, headrest, cushion, comfortable padded shoulder strap and hip belt offering maximum comfort. Keep your worries away by choosing best carrier for you and your baby!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
3 for outside 4 for inside

Cycling, Playing Kite And Running
Playing inside or outside the house is necessary for children, some of the plays should be done outside . It all depends on the willingness of the children, their conditions and the weather. We dont want our kids to play outside when the weather is bad, do we? Some of the plays can be played outside such as cycling, playing kite, running and other physical activities that require a lot of space. Belows are some points need to be considered when playing outside: 1.Environmental Safety Safe means that there are not many vehicles. Children should not play around the house which is near the main road
Playing inside or outside the house is necessary for children, some of the plays should be done outside . It all depends on the willingness of the children, their conditions and the weather. We dont want our kids to play outside when the weather is bad, do we? Some of the plays can be played outside such as cycling, playing kite, running and other physical activities that require a lot of space. Belows are some points need to be considered when playing outside: 1.Environmental Safety Safe means that there are not many vehicles. Children should not play around the house which is near the main road
2. Availability of Playground For people living in housing complex , it is safer to play in the playground. Watch for dangerous spots like bush, pond, pavement, or wall that are close to the playground. Watch for the cleanliness, do not let our children play in places with a lot of waste around them
3. Playing Tools Parents should consider the safety of the playing tools. Are there any sharp points that could hurt the kids? We can touch them with our hands to make sure if it is safe or not
For Playing inside the house, below are some points need to be considered
For Playing inside the house, below are some points need to be considered
1. Make sure the door is closed Children can run out easily if the doors are open
2. Keep glass or sharp things out of children’s reach If you like to collect goods that are broken easily like ceramics, please keep them out of children’s reach or keep them in the cupboard or boxes
3. Furniture Prevent your children from falling due to unstable or light chair when they are trying to sit on it
4. Electricity and electronic appliances Keep electronic appliances in the safe place. Cover the sockets so children cannot touch them.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
How will our kids learn cleaning up willingly and joyfully?

How do you actually get kids to want to and enjoy helping withclean up?
Do not underestimating young people। You may see some children just have three or four years old sweeping, mopping, dusting, and helping each other clean up messes! Not only were these young people happily cleaning up after themselves and each other, they also felt proud of their accomplishments and were internally motivated to continue!
Here are some keys to promoting cooperation during clean up
1) Invite them! If you want your kids to help with clean up, try inviting them nt order them. if they refuse; it's not a demand, it's an INVITATION
2) Help them figure out the steps. If you want your kids to clean their toys offer some steps like :
Step one: Say, "Can you find a basket?" (when they have it, say, "Yes
Step two: Say, "Look around the living room and ask yourself, "Does this belong to me
Step three: If you find something that belongs to you, put it in the
Step four: Take the basket to your
Step five: Take one item out of the basket and find a home for
3) Be Consistent If you want kids to learn to clean up after themselves, you've got to be committed to modeling it yourself, helping them, teaching them how, and supporting them in enjoying cleaning up
4) Model enjoyment of cleaning tasks and offer kids challenges How will our kids learn cleaning up willingly and joyfully?By your example, of course! Keep an eye on what your child is able to do easily, what he can do with some effort, what takes a lot of effort, and what is so difficult it's frustrating. Offer your child a challenge when he seems bored, but be fairly confident he can succeed at it
5) Appreciate their efforts If you can appreciate their efforts and offer encouragement, they're more likely to get better at it. Another option don't let your kid see you cleaning up after him. If kids see you re-doing a job they've just done, they could feel hurt or discouraged . Also you can remind your child that learning new skills takes time and practice.
Do not underestimating young people। You may see some children just have three or four years old sweeping, mopping, dusting, and helping each other clean up messes! Not only were these young people happily cleaning up after themselves and each other, they also felt proud of their accomplishments and were internally motivated to continue!
Here are some keys to promoting cooperation during clean up
1) Invite them! If you want your kids to help with clean up, try inviting them nt order them. if they refuse; it's not a demand, it's an INVITATION
2) Help them figure out the steps. If you want your kids to clean their toys offer some steps like :
Step one: Say, "Can you find a basket?" (when they have it, say, "Yes
Step two: Say, "Look around the living room and ask yourself, "Does this belong to me
Step three: If you find something that belongs to you, put it in the
Step four: Take the basket to your
Step five: Take one item out of the basket and find a home for
3) Be Consistent If you want kids to learn to clean up after themselves, you've got to be committed to modeling it yourself, helping them, teaching them how, and supporting them in enjoying cleaning up
4) Model enjoyment of cleaning tasks and offer kids challenges How will our kids learn cleaning up willingly and joyfully?By your example, of course! Keep an eye on what your child is able to do easily, what he can do with some effort, what takes a lot of effort, and what is so difficult it's frustrating. Offer your child a challenge when he seems bored, but be fairly confident he can succeed at it
5) Appreciate their efforts If you can appreciate their efforts and offer encouragement, they're more likely to get better at it. Another option don't let your kid see you cleaning up after him. If kids see you re-doing a job they've just done, they could feel hurt or discouraged . Also you can remind your child that learning new skills takes time and practice.
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