Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Four ways to love your kid

Tell your kid that you love him
The Bible tells us in Psalm 37:26 that children are a blessing. And now there is a day to celebrate our kids! We will encourage you to write a letter to your kids today. So a letter is a great idea. But what are some other things you can do to show your child that he or she is exceptionally special

• nothing can quite compare to hearing Mom or Dad say he’s wonderful. Watch your kid’s face light up and heart swell when you brag on him and tell him what an awesome kid he is

• Send an E-Card. If your child spends a lot of time on the computer and has his own e-mail address, send him one or more e-cards, telling him how much he means to you

• Do his chores. If it’s your son’s job to set the table , do it for him. The fact that not only does he get a day off from his chores but that you’re doing the work for him speaks volumes of love and appreciation to your child

• let your kid choose what to eat for dinner . They’ll not only have incredibly full tummies, but also incredibly full hearts

Of course, kids should be told they are special every day – not just one day of the year. However, use this day to begin the habit of demonstrating just how important your child is. To you, to the world, and to God.

Baby educational games

Stimulate your babies brain
Bright colours, moving objects, classical music and textured toys will all help to stimulate your baby
Baby educational games and toys will help your baby to learn about the world in a fun and safe way Educational Baby Games and Toys, Make Learning Fun!
The first eight weeks
When your baby is born their eyesight is blurry so the first colours your baby sees are black, white and red. Lets make their environment exciting. Education Baby games and toys should be bright. The brighter the better! The first senses babies use to learn, are sight and sound. When your baby is born their favourite sight is you, and they love to hear your voice. Now you can sing to your hearts content, they will love it. Interaction is your great fun learning game, seeing you, listening to you, giggling and laughing at you. But you cannot be your child’s only entertainment system, you will need some time out! So lets look at some other toys and games that your baby will love
Up to eight weeks
your babies favourite sight and sounds are human faces and voices, they will also enjoy watching brightly coloured mobiles, wind-chimes and cot-toys, if clearly in view
At twelve weeks
they will be able to see at a greater distance. He will show a preference for bright colours and look at them for longer, but he will still have more interest in human faces and large pictures of faces, he will also enjoy wrist rattles, musical toys and squeaky toys
From three to six months
he will start to grasp a toy that is placed in his hand, and will begin to reach for toys. Your babies favourite early toys will be lightweight rattles and colourful teething rings, he will have learned to use both hands and will start to play with foam bricks, soft balls . up to the age of nine months He will love floor activities large bright activity quilts are a good idea, as is a activity centers . noisy toys for rattling and banging will have them enjoying and laughing.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Teach your children work ethics

Three factors to teach children good work ethics
Many parents make the mistake of provided damaging financial assistance to their children. Their motives are usually good. Instead of helping children become self sufficient, they become dependant. Rather than sparking initiative and discipline, the children become idle and indulgent. “Children who always get what they want will want as long as they live.” Research has shown that “in general, the more dollars adult children receive [from their parents] the fewer they accumulate, while those who are given fewer dollars accumulate more.” How can we make sure our children grow up with the earning mentality rather than the entitlement mentality? There. Parents need to look for opportunities to assign or create chores and work for children that have the following characteristics

1. Purpose The job assigned must have real life purpose. Sometimes as parents we give chores that simply have the purpose of keeping our children busy. These chores are probably better than letting children sit in front of the TV or play video games all day. However, jobs with real life purpose, once accomplished, will ignite a feeling of true accomplishment and contribution to a collective or greater good. The feelings of purpose and accomplishment are feelings everyone desire. It is wise to use these feelings to fuel future assignments with purpose

2. Consistency Parents need to be consistent in assigning chores. If making the bed is an important skill or chore you want your child to learn or accomplish then you as the parent must be consistent is giving the assignment everyday and just as consistent in following up and making sure the job is done and done well. If you are as consistent in assigning a chore and just as consistent in following up and helping the child accomplish the chore then the child will progressively and consistently accomplish the chore alone

3. Perseverance One of the hardest parts of life is to continue to do something when it is no longer fun or when it never was fun to begin with. The world would teach our children that such uncomfort or pain should not be tolerated. The world would go as far as to teach that if pain is felt then what ever is causing the pain is bad and should be avoided. It is on the contrary that good work ethics are learned. It is important to teach our youth to continually work past the point of comfort. Not many reach this point regularly, but it is here that character is permanently built

Learning good work ethics takes persevering through the uncomfort and beyond the pain of work. If you protect your children from struggle and responsibility, you will also prevent them from growing. Help your child learn how to work and earn by assigning work that has real purpose, consistency, and requires perseverance. Do not simply give your kids money, give them education and opportunity and teach them how to work.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Eating habits of your child

Teach your kids to cook
How to start? Are you too afraid of the mess in the process? Getting your child learning to cook can have long lasting effects on their self esteem, their eating habits and their connection with their family.
Different age groups can handle different tasks in the kitchen. Start by evaluating where your child is for skill level and get them involved in cooking.
3-6 years old
helping and assisting an adult while cooking Stirring, mixing, creating
7-11 years old

using a microwave and preparing food for an adult to cook
12-15 years old
can learn to use a sharp knife for cutting, cooking in the oven or stove top, baking bread, pies, cookies or cakes are appropriate tasks for teenagers.
16-18 years old
learn to cook main dish meat recipes, explore and create and have fun with theme recipes. Preserving food and learning to shop economically will help them when they are out on their own.

So go ahead and get your kids involved with cooking just ignore the extra mess and enjoy the time bonding with your family.