How to Be Green Show your children how they can help by learning about recycling and other aspects like reusing। If your child is a bit too young, you may not want to go in depth about things like the fuel used on moving trucks and what the alternatives are, but it doesn’t hurt to explain to them what our natural resources are and let them know that they are very important। Test their boundaries. If they are starting to get bored with your lesson, try to make it a bit more fun. Materials for Packing When you talk about moving and how your child can help make it more green, one of the easiest and more tangible things you can discuss are packing materials. If recycling isn’t a part of your kid’s life, explain to them that certain types of materials such as the cardboard boxes can usually be sent to a recycling center to be remade into new boxes. Teach them, however, that it is more important to try and find used boxes so you can get the most out of the lifespan of those boxes before they go to the recycling center, or worse, the dump. Your kids may ask why you have to find new boxes if you can just get recycled boxes. Depending on the age of your child, you can explain to them that it uses energy to produce boxes and the longer you use the box, means less boxes will be produced to replace it. Teaching your child about being green can be difficult, but it is important to explain these concepts, as it will eventually be their world to live in. Start early, and always try to make it fun.
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