Ten Common Causes Of Homework Problem
Here are the ten most common causes of homework problems, along with suggestions to help you resolve
- THE HOMEWORK IS TOO DIFFICULT. If the homework is continuously too difficult, Begin by having a conversation with the teacher. If the problem is class-wide, hopefully the teacher will evaluate and adjust the nature of his or her homework assignments. If the problem is limited to your child, she may require additional help from the teacher after school .On the other hand, the cause of the problem may be a disability: physical, learning and/or attentional. Your child may have difficulty in such areas as: hearing, seeing, reading, processing language, or writing, or she may have ADD or ADHD. If the problem is one of these, sometimes it is easy to resolve.
2. THE HOMEWORK IS TOO CONFUSING. When children chronically complain that assignments or directions are confusing । Parents usually respond to these children by asking, "Weren't you listening?" Or "Just read the directions!" The children were listening or reading, but they may not have been able to process the information। In this case, You may need to seek the help of teachers or a learning specialist to help your child learn strategies she can use to overcome or compensate for her disability
३ . THE HOMEWORK IS TOO LOW-QUALITY OR TOO BORING. Sometimes homework assignments are low-quality boring busywork and children will avoid them simply because they don't want to do them. you may need to talk to your child's teacher to determine the purpose of the assignments.
4. THE CHILD IS DISORGANIZED. He brings home the book and forgets the assignment. He brings home the assignment and forgets the book. Or he forgets the assignment and the book. If so, it sounds like you've got yourself a disorganized child. The same is true for children who can’t judge time or can't manage their time. so there are many books and articles that offer great strategies to help the disorganized child
5. THE HOMEWORK IS TOO INTRUSIVE. It's a fact; homework cuts into playtime। that children need to play। Surprisingly, brain research indicates that occasional boredom is good, too, as it forces children to think of things to do — that is, to use their brains to create. So if homework time seems to have taken over your home, work out a schedule with your child so that he doesn't have to lie in order to प्ले
6. TOO MUCH PARENT INVOLVEMENT. Some parents are overly involved in their child's homework. Here are the three most common types A. The "perfectionist parents." Perfectionists demand picture-perfect-homework. B. The "helicopter parents." These parents hover over their children, but here's the problem: By not giving their children any breathing room
C. The "Pandora parents." The children of Pandora parents tend to deny the existence of any homework they don't understand because asking Mom or Dad even the simplest question is tantamount to opening Pandora's box.
7. THE CHILD IS UNMOTIVATED. Most children don't want to do homework. For example, many children appear unmotivated when in fact they avoid homework to protect their egos. How's that? Because these children erroneously equate failure with stupidity.
8. TOO MUCH HOMEWORK. Many kids simply cannot keep up with the projects, tests, quizzes, reading and other assignments they are given। Here is a general guide for the typical amount of time children should be expected to spend on homework each school day. Grades K-2, about 10-20 minutes. Grades 3-6, about 30-60 minutes. Grades 7-12 will vary considerably, depending on subjects, projects due, tests, etc., but a reasonable average is about two hours, with more on weekends, as needed, for major projects and एक्साम्स
9. IT'S TOO NOISY. Many kids complain that they can't concentrate at home.
Here is an idealistic solution। Even if it can't be carried out fully, at least it is something to aim for. As a family, consider designating a block of time as quiet time. Normal living continues, but more quietly than usual. Kids can use the time to do homework; parents can read, balance the checkbook, and write e-mails; those who have time to watch television can do so with headphones or the sound turned low. Sometimes quiet sounds pretty good, doesn't आईटी
10. THE CHILD IS TOO ALONE. Some children are lonely when required to do homework in their rooms, and don't work efficiently in that setting. That is, they need someone to help them stay on task or to provide a lआईटीtle assistance when they get stuck।
So, if homework causes chaos in your home, look into the reasons. Once you find them, and do what you need to resolve the problems, you'll be back on the road to school success and family harmony.
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