Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How do you treat your children?

Here are some simple steps you can take to help avoid burning out on home schooling

1. Don’t try to do more than you or your child are capable of doing.
2. Set a routine and skip the strict schedules. Do your children know what is expected of them each day?
3. Enjoy your children and develop your relationship with them. If you have a habit of relating with your child, with mutual listening, then you can work through any curriculum struggle or lack of motivation.
4. When you home school you don’t have to mimic what the schools do . Use the flexibility of home schooling to avoid burnout by changing the atmosphere a little bit. Play music one day. Light some candles another day. Declare a “game day

If you keep your life and day in proper perspective, you can easily avoid burning out on home schooling. Your children will mostly remember the atmosphere of your home and how you treated them.

learn your children to work at home

Here are some innovative ways where you can include your children in your daily schedule. Almost everyone who does work from home and has children wonders about the best way to involve your children in your work Depending upon the age of the child, he can be of complete nuisance when you are trying to work, or can be a cheerful and helpful assistant who is proud to be helping you . If, you want to provide your children with a positive work ethic, one of the best ways to do that is to get them involved in your home based business
Use their talents When you work from home with your child, it should be as enjoyable to them as it is for you. it is unfair to expect your child to be as thrilled with the work as you are. They may have other talents that could mesh nicely with your own and make your business stronger than it would have been otherwise. like loving work with numbers, or enjoing organizing and inventorying things .
Give them a break If a child is in school all day you would be far better off to let them do something active for a short while, or even grab a snack. Especially if the child will be doing homework in the evening, they should not be doing sedentary work or even just watching television when they are at home. A variety of work will be better for their concentration and for their physical health as well
Their job is importantExpecting a child to work from home is reasonable, but expecting perfection is not. Find tasks to do that the child can achieve success at. Not 'make work' but tasks that will benefit the entire household in one way or another. Particularly if there is more than one child involved, each should be made to see that their particular job is important and worth doing well
Rewards system If you provide your child with an allowance and in return they are expected to do certain chores, it is a good way to teach work responsibility and money management at the same time. The child should be paid for any tasks that you would otherwise have to hire outside help for. This includes completion of household tasks such as cooking, laundry, pet care and vacuuming.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

problem of learning

students aged 5-15
Some children excel at studies while others strive hard। We will discuss the learning problems that students aged 5-15 aगेस
Dyslexia : is reading problem. The children find it difficult to read what they have written. They also confuse between similar looking letters like b, d, p, q, etc. They also tend to skip letters, words or sentences while reading
Dysgraphia is the difficulty to write. Students with this problem may be smart at reading and memorizing.
Dyscalculiais problems associated with numbers। This problem makes it difficult for the children to learnmathematics.
Dysnomia is characterised by lack of ability in memorizing names or words
Dyspraxia is characterised by lack of or poorly developed skills in skilled tasks like typing, sewing, etc। Such children can also show signs of difficulty in controlling sound and speaking and can be slow at eating or drinking
Helping the children and instilling in them a sense of confidence is essential for the development of such children and to help them lead successful lives.

Teaching your child about being green

How to Be Green Show your children how they can help by learning about recycling and other aspects like reusing। If your child is a bit too young, you may not want to go in depth about things like the fuel used on moving trucks and what the alternatives are, but it doesn’t hurt to explain to them what our natural resources are and let them know that they are very important। Test their boundaries. If they are starting to get bored with your lesson, try to make it a bit more fun. Materials for Packing When you talk about moving and how your child can help make it more green, one of the easiest and more tangible things you can discuss are packing materials. If recycling isn’t a part of your kid’s life, explain to them that certain types of materials such as the cardboard boxes can usually be sent to a recycling center to be remade into new boxes. Teach them, however, that it is more important to try and find used boxes so you can get the most out of the lifespan of those boxes before they go to the recycling center, or worse, the dump. Your kids may ask why you have to find new boxes if you can just get recycled boxes. Depending on the age of your child, you can explain to them that it uses energy to produce boxes and the longer you use the box, means less boxes will be produced to replace it. Teaching your child about being green can be difficult, but it is important to explain these concepts, as it will eventually be their world to live in. Start early, and always try to make it fun.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

children with a serious illness

seven experiences can help parents of children with a serious illness.
Writing questions. write questions down as doctors came to us and write down their answers so we could refer to them later.
Reaching out to others. It really helped to get to talk to and hear about kids with same disease That sounded like eons to us and gave us hope that Grant would make it to at least age 5.
Being prepared with answers. It really helps to prepare some stock answers to questions that you get all the time. Here are a few of ours: "I have a respiratory disease, but I'm not contagious."- When asked "Can my daughter catch what he's got?" I would say, "No, but I don't blame you for asking."
Staying away from negative or energy-draining people. It's important to protect your child. People will ask the most unbelievable questions or offer the darndest opinions just right out of the blue.
Acting strong, even when I didn’t feel strong. People must see our family looked "so normal and happy" and never let them see embarrassment or shame on my face .
Nurturing Grant's independence. We helped the child to learn everything possible about his condition and care.
Keeping perspective. It helped me to remember that there is always someone whose plight is worse than mine.


My father is the best
When I was 3 Yrs Old : My father is THE BEST
When I was 7 Yrs Old : My father seems to know everyone
When I was 10 Yrs Old : My father is excellent but he is short tempered

When I was 13 Yrs Old : My father started being so sensitive

When I was 17 Yrs Old : My father is getting less tolerant as the days pass by
When I was 20 Yrs Old : It is too hard to forgive my father, how could my Mum stand him all these years
When I was 24 Yrs Old : My father seems to be objecting to everything I do
When I was 31 Yrs Old: It's very difficult to be in agreement with my father

When I was 40 Yrs Old: I am puzzled, how did my father manage to raise all of us
When I was 50 Yrs Old : It's rather difficult to control my kids, how much did my father suffer for the sake of upbringing and protecting us
When I was 55 Yrs Old: My father was gentle and outstanding.
When I became 60 Yrs Old: My father is THE BEST
Note that it took 56 Yrs to complete the cycle and return to the starting point 'My father is THE BEST '
Let's be good to our parents before it's too late

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Respect yourself and your children will respect you.
The most important value you will ever teach your children is: to respect their parents। start by first respecting your children. If they don’t feel treated like a human being, then their cooperation will be in short supply. First, you show them respect. Second, you teach them to respect you. Let’s have a look at these situations one by one: 1. Are the kids complaining about the food? you spent many hours on the job, earning the money to pay for the food that you prepared Enough is enough! You did your part of the deal, now it’s up to them. Teach your children to say “thank you” for every meal. If they have no “thank you” on offer but only muster a “bwerk,” then you are not making dinner for at least two days! God knows they will be very grateful when they finally get one on the third day! Never continue delivering a service that is not appreciated.
2. Are the kids insulting you just because you’re ten minutes late when picking them up from the gym? Then stop picking them up from the gym for a few times! They will learn to appreciate what you are doing for them. you are worthy of respect! Show them what it means to be a person who respects himself. Respect yourself and others will respect you. 3. Are the kids complaining that “there is nothing to eat” in the house, Okay, here’s what you do: stop going to the grocery store for a while. That way the kids will have to first finish all the food in the fridge and in the cupboards Then comes the next phase where there really is “nothing” left in the cupboards. Now is the time to go to the grocery store, They will feel like there’s “so much to eat,” while in fact there’s less food than when they were complaining there was “nothing to eat.” 4. Are the kids putting tons of ketchup on their food, continuously ignoring your warnings to be more economical and eat healthier? Stop arguing about it, for that doesn’t work. Instead, stop buying ketchup all the time! For example, buy one bottle of ketchup per month and clearly tell your children that they’ll have to do with this one bottle for the whole month.
5. Do your children go on leaving their shoes all around the house? Tell them this will be the last warning, and that from now on, any shoes found scattered around will be “launched” into the back yard. And then, stick to your promise! Believe me, I had to do this only once! Once your children know that you will do as you say, then you won’t have to do it. They will respect your word! 6. Are your children’s rooms a mess? You want the mess to be cleaned up? Don’t do it yourself! Your teenagers should clean up their own mess! So tell them that they have to clean up their room before dinner on Saturday. That way you are giving them plenty of freedom to chose their own timing. Come Saturday evening dinnertime, go check if the room is tidy. If not, then there is no dinner for that child. Be consistent and do as you say. Do you really think the kids didn’t understand what you were saying? If you have said something two times, then that’s enough. After the second time, you should ACT and not TALK.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Believe In Yourself

Ways TO Believe In Yourself ( FOR TEENS ) Here are some examples of adjectives to describe a better way of thinking about yourself. Throw out those old, dark sunglasses you have been wearing and put on a pair of new, super, great-quality sunglasses that will let you see yourself in a much better light! Start giving yourself the credit you deserve. Notice the things you do well every day. Recognize that you get to school on time every day, pay attention in class, and take care of your school assignments. These actions show commitment, responsibility, organization, an open mind, self-reliance, and more. How are you getting along with people? Do you show your friends you care about them? Do you remember people's birthdays? Do you speak well of others? If you do, you are demonstrating kindness, caring, honesty, generosity, and thankfulness. Please take the time to think about how many positive words you could use to describe the things you do with the above adjectives and add some more. Also, please go back to what you wrote earlier about situations that you were in and comments that were made about you, and change the unhelpful me-beliefs to more supporting ones! Do write down all the positive attributes you can think of about yourself starting with "I am" and then say them out loud. YOU CAN CHOOSE TO REPLACE THE OLD, UNHELPFUL ME-BELIEFS WITH NEW, HEALTHY, SUPPORTING BELIEFS! Tip #1: Be aware of your old negative beliefs, because those beliefs have kept you in your comfort zone. Most people have built-in resistance inside of them, and it keeps them where they are with negative me-beliefs. Be aware of this resistance and be prepared to fight it! You are enough! Tip #2: Before falling asleep and when you wake up, think three positive thoughts about yourself. “You're a perfectly valuable, creative, worth-while person simply because you exist.” “You can be pleased with nothing when you are not pleased with yourself.” “I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.”
“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” “Contrary to popular thinking, being worthy isn't something you earn, it's something you recognize. And once you do, you won't be able to think, speak or behave in any other way than as if what you most wanted was meant to be.”

committed kids

  • Shows Kids All About Commitment
    Commitment is about doing whatever it takes, following your vision without wavering। When you do this, you literally can change the world. Anyone who has ever succeeded at something difficult did so by being completely committed to the goal. It's the magic moment for the children when all hesitation and ineffectiveness are left behind. The decisive act of making a commitment sets into motion an energy field of action to propel you forward. Where does your kids commitment lie! When was a time your kids were highly committed, and what were the results? To harness the power of commitment, let your kids think about what they love passionately enough to give it all th’ve got—then give it. Commitment comes down to a simple moment of decision: Will you, or will you not, do whatever it takes? It’s the “no matter what” part that holds all the power. You’re locked into staying the course. You may feel discouraged, even hopeless. You may lose all your confidence in yourself. It doesn’t matter. None of it matters. You’ve vowed to go on trying no matter what. Circumstances become irrelevant in the face of commitment. Whatever it is that inspires you, give yourself permission to lose yourself utterly in what you love and you’ll have no choice but to commit. Simply let your passion take over and you will harness the titanic strength of commitment. One thing to remember here is that "I'll try" doesn't work! You may get up enough courage to go for it, but you haven’t really made a commitment if you tell yourself, “Well, I’ll try.” You’re not committed to doing whatever it takes to succeed. In fact, you’ve given yourself an out. Now, when you fall short of the mark, you can say, “Well, I tried.” When you’re not committed, you leave a crack open for hesitation. Hesitation leaks energy. Energy leaks reduce the chance of success. That’s the primary characteristic of committed kids : They’re driven by their dreams। Affirmations for COMMITMENT: • I have a clear vision and I stay true to it. • I do whatever it takes to get the job done. • I can be counted on to keep my word. "Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it." Goethe

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Homework Problem

Ten Common Causes Of Homework Problem
Here are the ten most common causes of homework problems, along with suggestions to help you resolve

  1. THE HOMEWORK IS TOO DIFFICULT. If the homework is continuously too difficult, Begin by having a conversation with the teacher. If the problem is class-wide, hopefully the teacher will evaluate and adjust the nature of his or her homework assignments. If the problem is limited to your child, she may require additional help from the teacher after school .On the other hand, the cause of the problem may be a disability: physical, learning and/or attentional. Your child may have difficulty in such areas as: hearing, seeing, reading, processing language, or writing, or she may have ADD or ADHD. If the problem is one of these, sometimes it is easy to resolve.

2. THE HOMEWORK IS TOO CONFUSING. When children chronically complain that assignments or directions are confusing । Parents usually respond to these children by asking, "Weren't you listening?" Or "Just read the directions!" The children were listening or reading, but they may not have been able to process the information। In this case, You may need to seek the help of teachers or a learning specialist to help your child learn strategies she can use to overcome or compensate for her disability
३ . THE HOMEWORK IS TOO LOW-QUALITY OR TOO BORING. Sometimes homework assignments are low-quality boring busywork and children will avoid them simply because they don't want to do them. you may need to talk to your child's teacher to determine the purpose of the assignments.
4. THE CHILD IS DISORGANIZED. He brings home the book and forgets the assignment. He brings home the assignment and forgets the book. Or he forgets the assignment and the book. If so, it sounds like you've got yourself a disorganized child. The same is true for children who can’t judge time or can't manage their time. so there are many books and articles that offer great strategies to help the disorganized child
5. THE HOMEWORK IS TOO INTRUSIVE. It's a fact; homework cuts into playtime। that children need to play। Surprisingly, brain research indicates that occasional boredom is good, too, as it forces children to think of things to do — that is, to use their brains to create. So if homework time seems to have taken over your home, work out a schedule with your child so that he doesn't have to lie in order to प्ले
6. TOO MUCH PARENT INVOLVEMENT. Some parents are overly involved in their child's homework. Here are the three most common types A. The "perfectionist parents." Perfectionists demand picture-perfect-homework. B. The "helicopter parents." These parents hover over their children, but here's the problem: By not giving their children any breathing room
C. The "Pandora parents." The children of Pandora parents tend to deny the existence of any homework they don't understand because asking Mom or Dad even the simplest question is tantamount to opening Pandora's box.
7. THE CHILD IS UNMOTIVATED. Most children don't want to do homework. For example, many children appear unmotivated when in fact they avoid homework to protect their egos. How's that? Because these children erroneously equate failure with stupidity.
8. TOO MUCH HOMEWORK. Many kids simply cannot keep up with the projects, tests, quizzes, reading and other assignments they are given। Here is a general guide for the typical amount of time children should be expected to spend on homework each school day. Grades K-2, about 10-20 minutes. Grades 3-6, about 30-60 minutes. Grades 7-12 will vary considerably, depending on subjects, projects due, tests, etc., but a reasonable average is about two hours, with more on weekends, as needed, for major projects and एक्साम्स
9. IT'S TOO NOISY. Many kids complain that they can't concentrate at home.
Here is an idealistic solution। Even if it can't be carried out fully, at least it is something to aim for. As a family, consider designating a block of time as quiet time. Normal living continues, but more quietly than usual. Kids can use the time to do homework; parents can read, balance the checkbook, and write e-mails; those who have time to watch television can do so with headphones or the sound turned low. Sometimes quiet sounds pretty good, doesn't आईटी
10. THE CHILD IS TOO ALONE. Some children are lonely when required to do homework in their rooms, and don't work efficiently in that setting. That is, they need someone to help them stay on task or to provide a lआईटीtle assistance when they get stuck।

So, if homework causes chaos in your home, look into the reasons. Once you find them, and do what you need to resolve the problems, you'll be back on the road to school success and family harmony.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


How to be good parents ?

Most parents want to be good parents। The first thing your child needs from you is to trust your inner knowing rather than any book you read. my mother had read in Dr। Spock that babies should not be picked up when they cry, that it is good for their lungs to cry, and that she would spoil me if she picked me up. But her insides were telling her the opposite - that babies cry when they need food, changing, or love. It is so sad that she followed Dr. Spock instead of her own inner knowing. Now research has proven that babies who are not picked up when they cry become more dependent and insecure than babies who are kept with their mothers. In other countries, babies sleep with their parents until they no longer want to, feeling safe all night. In our country, most babies are alone at night, some crying themselves to sleep. This is not only sad, it is not healthy for the baby. The second thing Your child needs your loving presence - not your busy preoccupied presence.
For your children to feel important to you, they need to feel you fully present with them - reading to them daily, playing with them, holding and comforting them, and listening to them. The third thing Your children need for you to create a healthy environment for them .
by feeding them healthy food, restricting screen time - TV, computer, video games - and making sure they play outdoors and get enough exercise.
The fourth thing They need for you to be a good role model of self-care.Children need to see their parents taking full responsibility for their own feelings instead of being victims and blaming others. With this role modeling, they will also learn to take full responsibility for their own feelings .
The fifth thing Children also need you to be a role model for care of the environment. By role modeling caring for our planet, we can raise children who are much more conscious of taking care of our environment. The sixth thing Your children need to see you being connected with a spiritual Source of love, peace and wisdom .inorder to naturally connect with their own higher power. By developing your spiritual connection, they can learn to have their own.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Video Games

Video games are one of the best forms of entertainment today। With it, your kids can really make thier imagination come alive To play these games, you usually go to the mall and play it on the arcade।

In the arcade, you will see different games available. Some of the arcade games even have a vibration feedback to alert you that you’re being hit by the enemy. However, you can’t go to the arcade everyday because doing so can be too expensive. Therefore, you should buy your own video gaming console where you can play right in your own home. Although it won’t contain all the realistic machines that you can find in the arcade, you can still have that great graphics and sound quality in the games. Another great thing about buying your own gaming console is that you can have flexibility in selecting your games. There are a wide variety of games available that is not yet available or impossible to put in arcades. console. With the number of gaming consoles available in the market today, people get confused on which gaming console they should purchase.

Martial Arts

Martial Arts are becoming more popular as it provide us with the skills that we need to protect ourselves form others. But some parents are wary about it .
There is a misconception that Martial Arts schools teach our children to fight. but it is purely taught so that our kids can protect themselves against harm. Now, there are obviously going to be some kids who just want to cause trouble. However, generally Martial Arts are only learned by those who are serious about the practice. All Martial Arts require some form of focus and kids who are just out to cause trouble and fight all the time will not be able to stick with Martial Arts for long. Martial Arts schools never teach children to fight. If anything they teach the opposite, as using the skills that you have learned through Martial Arts to just simply fight, is opposed. So just what are Martial Arts schools teaching our children then? Well, they teach them to look after themselves, to stay focused, to have a higher self confidence and overall to keep calm.
Overall Martial Arts schools are good for our kids and they do not teach anything dodgy. If you do have a child enrolled in a Martial Arts school and you are not particularly happy with the attitude they are developing, then you should really consider swapping schools. It is all a matter of doing your research and finding one to suit you and your child.

Friday, February 6, 2009

self reliance and responsibility

How can we instill self reliance and responsibility into our children?

  • Allow your children to make some decisions

  • Encourage your children to try tasks on their own

  • Model responsibility and self reliance
    When children see you making decisions, taking initiative, and displaying self reliant behaviors, they will engage in similar behavior.

  • Be your child's coach rather than his sage
    These questions can unlock the answers in your own child's brain so the next time he's in a similar situation he'll be able to call on his own experience and judgment to make a decision.

  • Be a good support system
    when children truly need your help, they should know that they can count on you. If you teach them to ask for help when they really need it

  • Provide them with responsibilities
    Chores are great for teaching children how to be self reliant as well as how to work as a team. When we provide children with ways to help out the family, we give them opportunities to build responsibility, self confidence, and self reliance.

  • Encourage healthy risk-taking: Assure your children that making mistakes is OK. when parents do this, they rob their children of some very powerful tools; self confidence, stick-to-itiveness, and of course, self reliance.

Your children are relying on you to teach them how to approach the world. Sometimes that means they have to watch you to learn how to approach the task. But other times that means, you must watch them from the sidelines and encourage them to figure it out on their own.

fun for children

Share fun with your children. These engaging ideas will captivate your child’s senses and ignite your child’s thirst for learning.

1. Fingerpainting with a twist. Try different fingerpaints besides the traditional store bought kind. For example: Chocolate pudding paint. Just buy a can of ready-made pudding from the grocery store. Or Jello finger painting: Mix together 1 package of Jello and 2 Tbsp hot water in a small bowl being careful not to overmix. Let cool 5 to 10 min. before using. Paint on tin foil for a neat effect. For some more edible food craft ideas visit.

2. Bubble blowing without tears. Here’s a great recipe that uses “tearless” baby shampoo that won’t sting eyes if bubbles get splattered in little eyes. 3 cups water, 1 cup baby shampoo, 1/3 cup light corn syrup. Mix all together in a large bowl.

Remember to supervise little kids with these ideas to ensure that with some of the ideas they don’t put things in their mouth.